Girls with autumn skin tones should look for prom dresses
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How To Choose The Color Of Your Prom Dress

Prom night is your chance to shine, and by choosing the right set of colors for your prom dress and ensemble, you can make not only your figure and your dress look fantastic, but your face, skin and hair as well. Use your skin's natural hues influence the dress color or pattern you choose. A dress which matches your skin's natural tone will make you appear more vibrant and glowing, while the wrong color can make you appear sallow, sleep-deprived or pale.
Determining Skin Tone
Before choosing a prom dress color, you must first know your skin tone! Skin tones are broken down into two main categories: cool and warm. People with cool skin tones have pinkish-blue undertones to their skin, while those with warm tones have golden undertones. The easiest way to determine which type you belong to is to wash all makeup from your face, then alternately hold silver and gold foil up to your face. The right metal will make your face appear glowing and healthy, while the wrong ivory flower girl dress color will make your skin look grayish and washed out. Silver looks best on cool skin tones, and gold looks best on warm tones.
Once you've determined whether your skin tone is warm or cool, you'll need to find out which season you are. Winter complexions (cool) are typically pale white, yellowish-olive or dark, typically belonging to people with brown or black hair and dark eyes. Inversely, summer complexions (also cool) also have blue or pink undertones, but people with these complexions tend to have hair which doesn't contrast their skin tone as much; most summer-complexioned people wedding dresses a line are natural blondes or brunettes with light colored eyes.
Spring skin tones, which are warm, often belong to women with creamy ivory skin, freckled pink skin, or darker, suntanned skin coloring. Most people with spring skin tones have strawberry blonde or light red hair with blue or green eyes. Autumn complexioned skin tones have golden undertones which are more bronzed or orange-colored than spring tones. Women with ivory or dark, beige or golden brown skin tones, dark red or brunette hair and brown eyes often fall into this category.
Colors for Winter Tones
Winter complexioned girls have a lot of options when it comes to choosing the best prom dress colors; winter skin tones tend to look best in intense, rich colors such as navy blue, crimson, hot pink and black, but lighter colors such as bright white or fluorescent pastels look great too. Winter complexioned girls should avoid prom dresses in earth tones, which may make them appear pale or sallow.
Colors for Summer Tones
Summer skin tones look most stunning in cool, muted colors and pastels such as baby blue, rose, lavender, plum and even pale yellow. Intense, harshly contrasting colors and earth tones tend to make summer skin tones look washed out.
Colors for Spring Tones
Girls with spring skin tones tend to look best in prom dresses with pale, soft colors such as camel, yellow, ivory, kelly green, coral and sky or aqua blues. Spring complexioned girls should avoid dresses with colors that are too harsh and contrasting, such as black, stark white and dark brown. Girls with spring complexions look stunning in the kind of flowing, soft floral patterned fabrics and soft pastels which are popular this season.
Colors for Autumn Tones
Girls with autumn skin tones should look for prom dresses in rich, earthy or spicy colors such as olive orange, gold, rust red, dark brown or a rich gray. Autumn colors always work well on autumn skin tones, but prom dresses in excessively bright lace white dress colors and blue tones should be avoided.