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These ways are only helpful when you do not have

Everything has its own stories, sometimes you can tell from its appearance but sometime you might not. As for celebrities in little black dresses, which are nowadays considered to be a must-have for each woman's wardrobe, was once a symbol of misfortune and can only collect sympathy when dressed in it.

Back to the 1920s, celebrities in little black dresses were often reserved for periods of mourning, or to be specific, it is a dress for the widow. During the Victorian and Edwardian ages, a widow was expected to wear several stages of mourning dress for at least two years.

The first stage is also known as "full stage", widows in this stage must wear plain black dresses without even the simplest decoration. And this has to last for long sleeved wedding dresses about one year. After that comes the "ordinary mourning", the second mourning stage, which lasts about three months.

Thanks to Gabrielle Chanel, the destiny of celebrities in little black dresses were totally changed in 1926 when she published a picture of a short, simple black dress in American Vogue. And vogue says that the celebrities in little black dresses would become "a knee length homecoming dresses sort of uniform for all women of taste", which is absolutely right.

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How to cheap evening dresses online find cheap prom dresses

Have you ever attended the prom? And will you go to the prom, but you are confused about that you do not have enough money to buy the prom dresses? Now you do not worry. Because in this article, I will tell you some good ways to own the cheap prom dresses.

First of all, you can ask someone for help. For example, you can borrow the prom dresses form the person who has the dresses and she is willing to lend the prom dresses to you. And if so, you will be very lucky. Because you do not need to spend a lot of money to buy prom dresses. Secondly, you can choose to buy the prom dresses online. Because it is always cheaper than you buy the prom dresses from the shops. And you can also choose to buy the cheap prom dresses in some discount shops. Both the two ways can help you save some money. Thirdly, you can ask your classmates to group-buying. Because they all need the prom dresses. So you can buy the wholesale prom dresses, and the price of the dresses will be very low. Finally, if you have the ability to make the prom dresses by yourself, you can make it by yourself. And in this way, you only need to buy the cloth and some material. So it can save a lot of money and you can design the . How wonderful it is! But you should make sure that you really have the capability to make the prom dresses by yourself. If not, you had better buy one.

These ways are only helpful when you do not have a lot of money to own the expensive prom dresses. So if you are rich and can afford the expensive and beautiful prom dresses, you can totally buy the expensive one without hesitation.

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